Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Canada Post Fails

Reasons why I may never use Canada Post ever again:

1) On March 24, 2014, I paid to have a time-sensitive shipment mailed overnight. As of today, March 26, 2014, it still has yet to reach its destination (notice how two days have now passed).

2) The last update regarding my shipment was sent on March 25, 2014 at 9:08am, saying that it has been "redirected" with no ideas or indications as to where, other than a "new address". What new address? Or did the postman miss the desired building, but decide not to back-track because its only time-sensitive mail, so it clearly isn't THAT important?

3) When I phoned Canada Post to inquire about the status of my shipment, and where it is, I was told that if the "redirection" is close to the original address, it would reach its destination within the day. Otherwise, I could be waiting upwards of 5 business days. It's downtown Hamilton where everything is within walking distance. How much closer do you want?

4) My shipment needed to be at the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board YESTERDAY so progress can be made on my university transfer application status. No transcript by April 1, 2014, no acceptance for May 5, 2014.

5) The Canada Post representative suggested that the reason why my shipment has yet to be delivered is because I wrote an incorrect address (which normally I'd be fine with, but tone of voice is everything). I got the address directly from the HWDSB Student Records representative, and wrote it down letter for letter. I double checked the address on the HWDSB website, along with how it was written on the package (remember, it's on the receipt with the tracking number). I had the correct address.

6) I paid Canada Post for a service that they have failed to provide. Pay for overnight processing and delivery, be told that your shipment might reach its destination a week later.

I have a background that includes cargo and customs compliance. I am well aware that there are many ways to track a shipment. I've done it. If you are going to "redirect" a shipment, when the sender phones, inform them as to where the shipment is, because you know, as well as I, that there is a record of it in your database. Don't be lazy. Do your job, and track the shipment. Otherwise, the sender will presume that you have lost said shipment, and hold the carrier, in this case Canada Post, 100% liable. This kind of customer service is unprofessional, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.

I have proof of an overnight purchase. I will be putting forth a formal complaint and inquiring as to when I can expect my refund. I'm not the first person in my household to have this issue. Other members of my family have as well, and so have many of my friends.

Need to get something shipped, and need it done promptly? Canada Post is not your answer. I'm certain a carrier like FedEx, UPS or DHL would love to have your service.