Wednesday 28 September 2011

A Family Definition

I was mucking around on my Facebook earlier, and one of my friends had posted a question that was rather simple: What would your definition of "auntie" be? Some might say that the answer to such a question is quite simple, as an aunt is really the sister of your mother or father. For me, my definition isn't quite as simple. To me, an aunt is anyone who isn't technically family, but who may as well be, along with a person who has had a positive impact on my life in some manner. I'd say that definition makes sense, and that the same could be said for uncle. We have family friends who we're very close with, and I refer to these people as aunt and uncle. I also have family members (or former family members) who I've never had a close relationship with, yet they're technically an aunt or an uncle, and I only ever refer to these people by their first names. It's not that I have anything against these people, it's just that to refer to them by such a title seems strange and doesn't feel right. A metaphorical bad taste in my mouth. There are certain people whom I haven't seen in what feels like an eternity who still have such a title from me, and same with someone who I barely remember, but I still refer to him as "uncle" in conversation. I suppose my definition could also work with very close friends too who are like siblings. I've known my best friend since I was three years old. Sure, we refer to each other as besties, but we also say that we may as well be siblings. I've been known to refer to him as the Brother I Never Had (I only have sisters), while I've been known on occasion as Sister #2. I have a few other friends who are like sisters to me too. I don't know what I would do without these people. Sure, having biological siblings is great, along with a pseudo-brother, but sometimes, there as sisterly issues that need to be addressed, and having someone your own age just seems to make everything easier, whether it's a complex conversation, or a problem in need of a solution. In the end, we all have people who fall under these categories. I know that if I didn't have these people in my life, it would not only be very different, but possibly very boring. So? Who do you have?

Have something to say, but don't know the words? Fear no more! I'll make it write!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Tilly, your thoughts here are sound. There's always a difference between family of origin and family of choice.
Item the second. Your mom asked me to give you some career advice, since someone actually pays me to write. Here goes: writers write. Seems obvious enough, but if you don't exercise your language muscles often, you lose them. This is a great way to keep flexing, Tilly!