Wednesday, 7 November 2012

11 Days of Remembrance: Be Brave, Little Soldier

Be mine, o torch,
I hold you dear
So you don't scorch
Tales of yesteryear.

"Lest we forget,"
A simple phrase
That we easily let
Fade in a haze.

Two words as one
Not easy to do
For most everyone
Seems to be true.

Ones from ago,
About we hear.
Does anyone know
Of the ones of last year?

Down the Highway
of Heroes went many
Paying respects as the dead went away.
Too many died when there shouldn't be any.

However they chose,
Like the ones before,
To quarrel with foes
As the days of yore.

So young is each
Soldier who leaves.
So far out of reach...
Just come home safe, please.

Oh, how they marched
From where the others left off
In a desert parched,
Up sand they'd cough.

A new war, "over there"
To set others free,
To have nary a care,
Like you and me.

I remember our present
With all I can give.
Please don't resent
The shared need to live.

Be brave, little soldier,
My support you have.
May peace be when it's over
After all that you gave.

-November 6, 2012

For more, please refer to my original 11 Days of Remembrance miniseries from November 2011.

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