Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Mac n' Cheese Mission, Part 1

Ok, so perhaps this post isn't nearly as exciting as the title suggests, but it involves food, and food is always awesome.

Lately, I've been on the hunt for the perfect homemade macaroni and cheese recipe. Why? I don't know. I just have. Well, I have myself four recipes. Actually, one was already in my possession. The other three I found thanks to my good friend Google. Tonight was a very simple Campbell's concoction. Who am I kidding? I still found a way to add difficulty to my not-so-superstar culinary expertise. I'm about 99.9% certain that music was part of my problem.


I did as the recipe said, bringing a couple of my ingredients to a boil, stirring occasionally. I had my music cranked, because, well, it only seemed proper to have the tunes blaring while creating my masterpiece. Unfortunately, I kept on thinking that I was hearing the phone ring.So, I gave my concoction a quick check and stir before going to the living room to see if the phone was actually ringing, or if I was just losing my mind. For the record, it's the latter. When I came back to the kitchen, my pot had started to boil over. Enough liquid ran over the side to make cleaning the stove top require some serious elbow grease, but the bulk of it was still in the pot.

I added my noodles, added my cheese, cooked it a bit, then let it sit for about ten minutes or so, and voila! I had macaroni and cheese. The verdict? It was pretty darn tasty. With that in mind, I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I don't enjoy hot sauce, nor did we have any in the house, so I omitted that, and instead, I added a splash of heavy cream, and extra shredded cheese.

Overall, it was a recipe that I'd make again, except next time, I won't turn up the music so loud... Or maybe I'll just mix everything in a bigger pot.

For those who are interested, here's the macaroni and cheese recipe I used (with my aforementioned modifications), compliments of the Campbell's Soup website.


Bon Appetit! 

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