Sunday 19 October 2014

A New Blog to Follow (That Totally Looks Like!)

Hi all!

First, I would like to say sorry for being a slacker with this thing. I haven't been keeping up with this as much as I want to as I've actually gone back to university full-time to finish my Honours B.A in English. So I've been a little busy. And a few other pieces of suck throughout life have come between you wonderful readers and I too, but I won't go there.


My best friend since I was 3, whom I'm certain you all know about (his name's Omar if you don't, which is a crime), has started his own blog, called That Totally Looks Like! He is a massive car nut, so if V8 engines and a discussion of sexy bodies that don't involve the human race are your things, then you just may be interested in what he has to say. And even if that's not along your normal avenues of interest, go check it out anyway! You know you want to. Who knows? He just may decide to do a people look alike (I cannot tell you how many times he's done the whole, "Tills, you TOTALLY LOOK LIKE Cate Blanchett! I will make you dress up as Lady Galadriel for Halloween one of these years!").

So here's the link to That Totally Looks Like! I hope you all enjoy!

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