Sunday 8 January 2012

Review: The Adventures of Tin Tin

This afternoon, I met up with a few friends at Yorkdale Mall, as one of them was back from school in Kansas visiting for a bit. It was decided that we would see the new Tin Tin movie. Once again, talk about taking me back to my childhood.

Steven Spielberg did the film, so with that knowledge alone, I figured Tin Tin would turn out well. Not only did it turn out well, but it was even better than I'd anticipated. If you're familiar with the original cartoon that used to be aired on Saturday mornings back in the nineties, then you'd probably notice, and be amused by, the subtle ties to the cartoon at the beginning of the film with a set of caracatures done by a street artist.

The side-story, at first, may seem insignificant, but once the main story gets going, you notice how important something seemingly small can become. Thomson and Thomson are on that case, and if you know what those two are like, you wonder how anything could be solved by them at all.

The best scene, hands down, was the story told by Captain Haddock. I won't give away what it was about, but I can say that Omar deemed the scene better than anything you'd find in the Pirates of the Carribean films. It was nothing short of amazing.

As always, Tin Tin, though he may be a reporter, is on the greatest adventures, is a Jack of All Trades, and always has a plan in his back pocket. Of course, where would Tin Tin be without Snowy, his trusty canine side-kick, who was also fabulous, as always.

I love how the movie ended with the ability to do a follow-up. I'd presume that there would be a second Tin Tin movie. After all, he's not your average explorer-detective. He's the one everyone wants to aspire to be. Presuming that there will be a sequel, I could only hope that it'd be like this one. It was fun, exciting, full of adventure, and reminded me of why I love Tin Tin. I highly recommened it. If you don't like it, well, that would be a travesty.

Tin Tin for the win!

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