Friday 9 November 2012

The Bill Kelly Bash

I was listening to 900 CHML this morning, as I've lately been doing on my way to work. Bill Kelly, one of the radio voices, usually goes on a rant that he could only dream are as epic and well done as Rick Mercer's. Still, I listen on the off-chance that he does something interesting. This morning was surprisingly such for the wrong reasons.

Mr. Kelly's morning tangent pertained to our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, making suggestions to US President, Barack Obama, on what he could do to prevent and improve the American "Fiscal Cliff" that needs to be fixed before the States falls back into another economic recession. Well, Mr. Kelly decided to go on about how it was a Republican issue, and that Prime Minister Harper really ought to do his homework before giving economic advice. Sadly for Mr. Kelly, he didn't do homework of his own.

You see, Prime Minister Harper's background is economics. Suddenly, knowing that the PM holds a degree in the subject makes him much more qualified to give the President economical advice than the average schmuck.

Bill Kelly, the next time you feel the need to tell someone to, "do their homework" before giving helpful advice, eat your words. Had you done YOUR homework, you would discover that people are qualified to do more than just listen to themselves on the radio.

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