Monday 6 February 2012

Spring is in the Air

I love winter, and almost everything that goes along with it. I say almost because I hate driving on snow-covered roads with all the crazies who don't know how to drive for the conditions whizzing past me. No, I won't speed up. I'd like to keep my Saturn all in one piece, thank you very much. Regardless, though, of how wonderful the winter season is, with all its skating, snowshoeing, and skiing, I must admit that I'm loving the feeling of spring that's in the air. I know. Spring temperatures in Canada in February is odd. But for the moment, I'm embracing it, especially if that two-hour walk I took earlier is anything to go by.

Depending on which groundhog you follow, there's either six weeks left of winter (according to Punxutawney Phil), or we're going to have an early spring (so says Wiarton Willie). If today was any indication, I'd say that the Wiarton Weather-hog is the better one to be believed. I mean, just look at that grass! Look at that sun! Notice the lack of snow, and how we're actually on the plus-side of the thermometer in this country!

I realize that writing a post about the wonderful weather in Southern Ontario borders on pathetic, but I just can't help but feel happy with the warm (notice that I didn't say, "hot") sun. Such spring-like temperatures are making many other people I know very happy too. Winter, I love you, but I can't help but eagerly await robins, green grass, and the ability to bust out my bicycle without freezing my ears off.

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