Wednesday 29 February 2012

Think Pink

Today, to support anti-bullying efforts, is Pink Shirt Day, which is why this post is being written in pink (in honour of). 

Far too often, in the newspapers, and on our televisions, we hear that another tortured soul has committed suicide due to bullying, or more recently in the States, a high school student opened fire in his school, with the speculation that he was bullied, hence why he went with a gun and started shooting. We need to stand up for those kids, teens, and even adults, who are the victims of bullies to prevent more tragedies from occurring. Let's not lose anymore lives. 

Wear your pink, and wear it proudly, whether it's a pink shirt, pink socks, pink pants, or pink undies, let's think pink, and remind those victimized by bullying that help is out there. We hear you. I hear you. Loud and clear. You're not alone. We in pink will stand by you.

For more on the subject, please refer to my October 2011 posts "Purple Rain," "Why So Homophobic?" and "Why So Homophobic? Part Two". 

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