Sunday 2 November 2014

A Few of My Favourite Things: Fall Frenzy Edition

The wonderful boys who rent and work our fields are currently out taking off their bounty of soybeans.

A sight to behold.

This started to make me think about some of my favourite things about fall. I suppose a bright red combine is an appropriate place to start. When I was little. we'd get to go for combine rides. If you've never been inside of one, I can understand if you think it sounds like the epitome of lame. But it's not. No really. That beast has some amazing technology. Ever wonder how much grain, in weight, comes off a field? The combine has the tech to give you just that kind of information. As for the people with their fancy luxury vehicles that can only be driven for a few months out of the year... Well, you with your fancy wheels are cute. A combine is only driven for a few weeks in a year, and they cost as much as a house. 

Aside from combine rides as a child being one of my favourite fall things, I also love ingesting the bounties of other crops. For instance, down the road from me is Fletcher Fruit Farm. Their claims to fame are apples and pears. I love their Bosc pears, which are the perfect blend of juice, sweet, and crunch. They have more varieties of apples than I could ever care to count (and they'll also tell you that there are better apples in the world than Honey Crisp, and with that, I agree- I've always been prone to Ida Reds and Royal Galas). And I don't think there are enough words in the world for me to describe just how glorious their farm-pressed apple cider is. It's thick, sweet, and I love it both hot and cold. I've never had bad fruit from them. 

This is also the second year that Fletcher's has had a pick-your-own pumpkin patch. I love going to the patch in the fall. I'd much rather support a local farmer than pay for a really crappy pumpkin from the store. $5, any pumpkin, and they're massive! They're also a glorious shade of orange, as opposed to a pathetic half-ripe yellow, with an abundance of seeds on the inside.

Which brings me to...

Munching on pumpkin seeds. Roasted pumpkin seeds with some butter and salt is probably my favourite fall snack. And they taste so much better than anything that comes from the store. But then, there is something about carving a pumpkin, separating the seeds, and enjoying them as a treat when all has been said and done. A little reward for a carve-job well done.

I've always enjoyed the changing leaves come this time of year. I've gone back to university full time, and where I park my car is near Coote's Paradise in downtown Hamilton. The colours down around Coote's are so vibrant and stunning. If I was walking to or from the parking lot, as opposed to taking the McMaster shuttle, I would take the time to appreciate the colour and beauty. 

Like every year, I celebrated my birthday with my Annual Film Fest, where a group of friends come over, and we watch the absolute worst in horror, sci-fi, thriller and fantasy. Anyone can celebrate the best, but a particular attitude is needed to appreciate the worst. The Fest is hands-down the best part about October. 

Other fabulous things about fall, for me, include starting to use the wood stove (the crackle and smell are rather relaxing), volunteering at the Binbrook Fair, taking in a derby or two, and enjoying lazy, cozy clothing. Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year (of course, being born near Halloween helps), so I always feel an extra tinge of excitement when it draws near.

And now I ask you this: What is/are your favourite part about the fall? Sure, the prospect of cold is usually a downer for most people, but everyone takes joy in something. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The annual fest is of course something I enjoy.

Red cups and peppermint mochas from Starbucks being a close second :D