Wednesday 16 May 2012

Review: Oh No She Didn't!

Oh No She Didn't, written by Clinton Kelly, lays out the top 100 fashion crimes that we women commit, and how to bail ourselves out. The book is hilarious, but it really does ring true. And as I do enjoy the show What Not to Wear, which Clinton co-hosts, this book was extra amusing as he goes into greater depths with what you often hear him discuss on the television.

We females are riddled with fashion myths, and this book, for the most part, busts all of them. For example, the myth that black is slimming. Yes, black is very slimming when it fits correctly, and has been properly tailored. But if it's baggy, sloppy, or lacking shape? Not so much.

Also, other things were covered that people might not think about, such as what colour nail polish to wear (something a little more subtle for a high-end office job, or a burst of colour in a creative environment), or that even if your ensemble looks amazing, if your shoes are less than stellar, suddenly that awesome outfit becomes sloppy.

I highly recommend Oh No She Didn't for everyone who would like to know how to dress better. And even if you think you don't need to fix your wardrobe, read it anyway. You might just be surprised about the fashion crimes you didn't even realize you were committing.

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