Thursday 14 June 2012

Making My Entertainment Where I Can

I'm currently in Caledonia getting some work done to my car. It was due for an oil change, and some other minor work needed to be done to it as well. Since I was told that it would be about an hour and a half before it's ready, I had to find some way to amuse myself for 90 minutes.

Caledonia has an amazing bakery. It's Jones's, and I'm certain that anyone who's been there could tell you that their Belgian cookies are simply devine. Since I had plenty of time, I thought I'd take a walk and see if it was open. It wasn't. It was either too early, or closed for the day. I'm really not sure which, but I was definitely disappointed.

As I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, I turned around, and walked back to the Tim Horton's that's across the street and over a bit from Econo-Tech Auto, the shop where I take my car. Usually, I enjoy sitting by the drive-thru of whatever Tim's I'm in, and people watch. Well, the set-up at this one doesn't allow such foolishness. I can't see the cars until they leave, and that's no fun. Doesn't mean I have to sit here bored, though.

Would you think less of me if I told you that I sat here writing away while listening in on the conversations around me? So many interesting things going on. There are the people taking orders at the counter from the customers who sound like regulars. Or I could pretend that they're regulars as they have conversations that last longer than the initial order and money exchange. Someone else was told not to work too hard doing whatever with gravel, as it sounds like someone threw out his back. A gentleman a couple tables over from me seems to know every other person who passes through. When he's done his 10-second convo, he turns back to his buddy at his table, and tells a mini story. Someone else was discussing the potential fate of the liberal party. He figures it's on the fast-track to extinction. As for that, I'm not sure. Would this country really do away with a political party that's been around since Confederation?

I must say, I'm quite pleased that I downloaded the Blogger app for my android. Otherwise, I would have been sitting here listening to all this good stuff, and have no way of sharing.

Well, I suppose I ought to go back to the shop and see if my car's ready. Thanks for keeping me company.

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