Monday 25 June 2012

Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I went to see this film on Friday night (sorry I'm only just getting around to reviewing it now). I know people are probably tired of the vampire craze (I know I am), however, I very much enjoyed this movie.

If you like action movies with a hit of humour, this film would definitely meet your criteria. The other thing I liked about this film is even though it's loaded with vampires, if you toss the vampires aside, it actually kept fairly true to Lincoln's history. For instance, Lincoln really did work in a small shop, and study law. In the film, you see him working in a shop, while reading various law books. His mother died of illness in reality when Lincoln was a child, and she died of "illness" in the film. This illness is what prompts Abraham Lincoln to seek revenge, and eventually become a vampire hunter. I must say, I love how he fights with an axe, as opposed to silver bullets, or a Buffy-esque stake to the heart.

Another thing with this movie, is I found the vampires to be more to the style of Bram Stoker, not how Hollywood normally depicts them. These vampires stay awake during the day, and can even go out into the sunlight. For this, I liked the vampires much better, even if Lincoln did the bulk of his hunting at night.

I recognized a couple of actors in the film, but the bulk of them, I had never seen, so I don't know if they were newcomers, or if I'm just behind with the times. I would guess the latter.

If there's one big thing this movie taught me, it's to always have a contingency plan, because you just never know when slaying vampires may no longer be an option.

All in all, I'd recommend this movie. The sole purpose of this film is to be entertained, and I was certainly that.


Dan O. said...

Good review Chantelle. This movie was a lot of fun, believe it or not, but whenever they focused on the plot/story/history, it got boring. Also, should have been as ridiculous as the title suggested.

Chantelle (Tilly) Wark said...

Thanks for your input, Dan! :)