Tuesday 1 November 2011

11 Days of Remembrance: My Note of Remembrance

For the first eleven days of November, I'm planning on writing something pertaining to Remembrance Day. It's my way of making sure that we never forget what was given up and lost in the name of our freedom. To start this segment off, I'm posting a thank-you I originally wrote last year.

My Note of Remembrance
Once a year we stop
Come the eleventh of November
To appreciate our soldiers,
And take time to remember
All of those
At land, air, and sea,
Who broke into Hell
So we could be free.

When I was younger,
Once a year,
I'd sell poppies with veterans,
And I'd keep a keen ear
For they'd regale me with stories
That could break the heart,
But I'd listen intently
For it was my part.

They won't live forever,
But their stories will survive
As I've made it my duty
To help keep them alive.
Every tale was fascinating,
Not all were sad.
Some made me laugh.
Is that so bad?

At a small table,
In my uniform of blue,
I'd sit in between them,
And I knew what to do.
Pin poppies on civilians
With a chuckle and smile
Knowing they would remember
At least for a while.

Some would stop over
To shake hands and say, "thank you,"
While those vets would shake back,
Saying, " 'twas the least we could do."
And they'd sit back down,
A gleam in each eye,
Giving a wave
To the passers- by.

Looking back at those men
Who have since grown old,
I'm left to wonder
Could I be so bold?
Could I be as brave
As those men on my sides,
Or would I be the one
Who cowers and hides?

Going by choice
Into the depths of Hell
Knowing the outcome
Might not end well.
Fighting wars that
Seemed forever to last
Now but a memory,
Just a thing of the past.

So every November,
Over my heart,
I pin my poppy.
I do my part.
I'd like to say thanks
To every war vet
For all that you've done.
I'll never forget.

November 8, 2010

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