Sunday 27 November 2011

Bellmoore Bazaar

Yesterday, my mother came home from whatever errands she was running, mentioned to me that Bellmoore, our former elementary school, was having a Christmas Bazaar, and was I interested in going. Sure, why not. I haven't been to Bellmoore in more years than I care to count, so sure I'd go. There was also another reason why I wanted to go too.

You see, since we amalgamated with the Hammer back in 2000, our community's population has gone through the roof, so much that Bellmoore is filled to capacity and then some. There's a new Bellmoore being built in the new surveys to house this new population, which means the original school will likely be torn down, and the property sold off to whatever developer is aching to snap it up. I wanted to go not just to see what items I could find at the bazaar, but because I wanted to see my old school before it goes the way of the albatross.

I knew it was a small school, believe me, but my god, I don't remember it feeling so tiny. Mum and I went through the doors, and I suddenly felt borderline claustrophobic. I remembered always feeling crammed in the hallways. Well, no wonder! They're so damn narrow, especially down the intermediate hallway with all the lockers. And to think that's were I went to school for nine years (kindergarten to grade eight)!

The colour scheme throughout the hallways was still the same, and also with the gym. The Bellmoore Bulldog that was painted on the gym wall when I was in the third grade is still there, which is rather awesome in its own pathetic way. I actually remember when Bellmoore had the contest to design the new bulldog mascot. I also remember being an honourable mention in that contest. Is the new Bellmoore going to redesign the bulldog, or are they going to keep the one that was designed when I was eight years old?

Another thing that crossed my mind was with regards to who I might still know around there. Every last teacher that I had either moved to a new school, retired, or passed on. Teachers that my sister had are still wandering around there, but the ones I knew were far and few between. However, there's still one person there who my mother and I doubt will ever leave. The secretary, Mrs. Porritt. We saw her yesterday, and she was amused when my mother said that she'd never leave. The custodian, Mr. Daniels, might still be there, but I have no idea.

Mum and I purchased a few things, in between wandering around seeing what there was to see. We ran into one of our neighbours as well, who I hadn't seen in ages, and whose son I also went to school with. She's an awesome artist, but that wasn't her purpose for yesterday's bazaar. She's also big on nature, so she was there representing the Glanbrook Conservation Authority (I think... Of course, if I blipped, my mother will give me grief, and then I'll have to write an apologetic comment). Also, I took advantage of doing some networking at this point (what can I say? I'm currently unemployed, so can you blame me? Sometimes, all you need to do is talk to people, which my mother and I are pro at).

There was also a silent auction. I didn't participate this time around, but there were some awesome ideas, and a few things I was interested in. For example, there was a gift basket done up titled, "Movie Night." It came equipped with a few DVD's (though I couldn't quite see which ones), popcorn, popcorn seasoning, a gift certificate to the local video store. You know. That sort of thing. The other baskets that looked awesome were the two "Family Game Night" ones. The only down side was that some of the games were too young for me, and I don't know who I'd give them to, especially when I don't know who has what. But, I was given the dire urge to go out and buy more games, such as Yatzee, or a couple of awesome ones that I've tried more recently (Dominion, and Ticket to Ride).

I still can't believe I used to go to such a tiny school. Also, I'm unable to remember if we had bazaars when I went there. I'm tempted to say yes, but who knows? What I do know is that I took a few pictures of Bellmoore on my phone because I'm almost positive that it won't be there forever.

I'm glad I went back. Besides, who doesn't love an inexpensive Holiday Bazaar?

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