Saturday 10 March 2012

Review: Tuck Everlasting

I'd heard of Tuck Everlasting, but I think I'd more so heard of it in film form. Either way, I was unfamiliar with it. But, now I've read the book, and am capable of having an opinion.

Winnie, an only, sheltered child, decides that she's tired of the life she's living, and runs away into the wood in her back yard. There, she meets an interesting teenager, drinking from a secret spring, and discovers that looks really can be deceiving, not just with him, but with his entire family.

The spring grants eternal life to all who drink from it. Winnie must decide if she is going to keep the spring a secret, or even if she's going to drink from it herself. But that's not her only problem. Someone else has heard of the secret spring, and he has no intentions of leaving well enough alone.

Tuck Everlasting was a simple book that kept my attention, but it didn't have the same impact on me as other childhood novels. But, should there be a child who'd like a fairly easy story to read and comprehend, this one would definitely work.

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