Thursday 19 April 2012

The Colour Yellow

One of the wonderful things about the time I like to spend to myself on my bicycle is all the wonderful things I get to observe. Today's observation was also a bit of a childhood memory.

The dandelions are out in full force, which I know makes many people insane, but I do enjoy them. I don't mind their smell, and they always look so darn happy. And it's not just little patches of them here or there. Like the air we breathe, they're everywhere! It's fantastic.

When I was a little girl, while one of my aunts was working on her Ph.D in chemistry at the local university, she used to come over on the weekends for sleepovers. It was great. I had bunk beds, so she always had a place to sleep. Some days, she'd take me to school with her, and I'd get to do experiments with her. Don't worry, they were safe. I seem to recall old-school 3D in red and blue, and dry ice. For as many times that I'd go with her to the university, we'd also amuse ourselves here.

I remember days, much like today, warm, the sun shining, and a few clouds in the sky, and our field being covered in dandelions. For no other reason than we could, we'd go out into the field of yellow, lie down, watch the clouds, and enjoy one another's company. My mum would look for us outside, and not be able to see us. Then she'd give a yell, and she'd see two heads pop up, giggle, and then disappear into the yellow again.

That's always been one of my favourite childhood memories. So even though many people would rather get rid of those little yellow flowers that spread faster and stronger than the plague, I'll always love them. They'll always make me want to be a kid again, and lie down in amongst the colour yellow, and stare at the clouds. Maybe when I'm done riding my bicycle...

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