Wednesday 18 April 2012

A Few of my Favourite Things: Spring Fling Edition

Spring. There's something about it that fills people with happy, cheery feelings. But then, saying goodbye to winter usually excites people on the best of days, so such a reaction really isn't that surprising.

There were bits and pieces of spring, save for one or two, that I'd forgotten how much I loved until they made their presence known. First and foremost, my favourite thing about spring is when the purple lilac bush outside of my great gram's old part buds and blooms. Sadly, the flowers only remain for a week or so, but that short period is by far the sweetest part of this season, in both sight and scent. The bush has already started to turn purple:

Usually, the johnquills come up around the same time the lilacs bloom. We have them planted on all sides of the house. Though I don't love them as much as the lilacs, having them for an extended period of time still makes me a very happy girl.

I also love how crisp and fresh the air is. So many aromas drift with the spring breezes as well. Some days, I'm hit with the scent of fresh cut grass. Other days, I can smell the mud in the air after a good rain. Though the smell of manure isn't exactly pleasant, its odor  reminds me that the fields will be planted soon.

Being able to actually hear the birds outside is just wonderful. Sure, you hear a few in the colder months, but their chirping on mass in the warmer weather can be soothing. Naturally, some of them can be annoying, like a crow, or a stupid gull, but the smaller ones that mingle around my house can be some of the best background noise you could ever require (for the days you don't want to be in dead quiet, but don't know what you want to listen to).

Spring also means the Comley boys coming in to plant our fields. I don't know whether they'll be putting in corn this year or beans (no wheat this year, which is actually what they plant every few years in the fall), but seeing our fields adorned with green can be a wonderful sight. Corn is always so majestic, and wheat flows so beautifully. Usually beans just exist and do nothing for the eyes, but if they do beans again, and they behave like last year, I can guarantee another wonderful sight.

Last but not least, besides they days being a wonderful combination of warm and crisp, the sun shines for a little bit longer each day, and who doesn't love that? Here's to the start of days that we never want to have end.

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