Sunday 15 April 2012

This Day in History: Titanic Edition

So, as many of you probably know, today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. What a way to end a maiden voyage. Today also happens to be my mum's birthday, which is definitely a more positive occasion.

The Titanic was the pride of the White Star Line, and was supposed to be unsinkable... until it decided to tango with a big-ass iceberg on April 15, 1912. And now it lies off the coast of Newfoundland, and is the watery grave to more than a thousand souls.

The ship, though well known, wasn't discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic until 1985. As for the man behind the movie, James Cameron, he's done somewhere in the vicinity of 33 dives to the world's most famous shipwreck. When he said he had a fascination with the Titanic, he wasn't kidding. Cameron now pretty well knows that ship inside out and backwards, he's spent so much time in the ocean with it. I liked the footage he shot during his dives better than his movie. Which brings me to my confession...

To be honest, I don't know much about the Titanic, despite National Geographic Channel's Titanic Week, but unfortunately too, I can tell you that the film version of it disappointed me. What can I say? When the film first came out in 1997 (I was in the fifth grade at the time), I was expecting a history lesson and instead, I got a love story. As well, we in Canada were subjected to countless bouts of Celine Dion singing the title song, "My Heart Will Go On." I'm pretty sure even the most die-hard Celine Dion fans wanted to slam their heads into a wall, it was overplayed that much. 

Since my Titanic knowledge is limited at best, even though I've watched a few specials this week that were quite fascinating, I think the best thing to do would be to leave you with the link to the RMS Titanic site:

My heart might not go on, but the legacy of the Titanic sure will.

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