Monday 16 April 2012

A Lesson in Frustration

We all have breaking points, whether we like to admit it or not, and as such, we can go from being completely reasonable to downright miserable. Such has been the case for me lately, but last night I reached my boiling point.

Last night, though my guy meant well, accidentally caused me to have a wee bit of a melt down. Last June, my contract with ArcelorMittal Dofasco ended. I took the summer off, as I hadn't had spare time for a very long while, and got back to the job hunt in September. Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend all of my summer lazing around. Once July hit, my mother went in for knee surgery, so half my summer went to giving her a hand. I don't know what everyone else is like, but even though I do enjoy having time off, after a while, I get a little testy, and need something to occupy my time before I go insane.

Unfortunately, I've been having difficulty finding a job. I have a background that involves cargo and steel, but I really don't want to spend my life in either of those areas. I'd like to do something that's a little cleaner, doesn't involve 12-hour rotating shifts, and where I can wear short sleeves in the summer. Well, my poor guy, as he knows that I'm finding jobless to be quite irritating and stressful, expressed his concern that I may be limiting myself, and was wondering about broadening my horizons. Sadly, that's easier said than done, and that was the comment that led to my breakdown.

I confess, I felt terrible. Not so much for me, but for him. I got upset over good intentions, which probably explains why I came home to a bunch of emails from him that were forwarded job postings. For that, I think I'll keep him. He also offered to look over my resumes (I have one for writing, one for PR, and one for reception/ clerical). Even though I've had a career councilor go over them, and do edits, sometimes an outside set of eyes can be quite helpful.

So to those who are on the job hunt, and are the brink of a breakdown, my god, do I ever feel your pain. But, we just have to pick ourselves back up, come up with a plan, and forge ahead the best we can. And if your fella says something with the best intentions, but you break down regardless, don't be harsh on him. He was only trying to be helpful.

And if anyone is seeking a reader-writer-speaker extraordinaire, or someone to do receptionist/ clerical duties, I'd be glad to be of service.

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