Friday 2 December 2011

On the Second Day of Christmas... great gram's room you will see Griswold methodology.

That's right. I said Griswold. If you are utterly clueless with regards to the Griswold reference, then I highly suggest you go out and rent National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase. The tobogganing scene kills me every time, as in, I have to make a mad-dash to the washroom, I laugh so hard.


When my great gram still lived at home, every December, my sister and I would wander through the old kitchen, into her part of the house, and decorate her place for the holidays. Back in July, great gram moved out of her house, and into a retirement home. That being said, there's no reason to refrain from decorating her new crash pad. After all, the activity co-ordinator at the Riviera, a real "going concern" in the words of great gram, (meaning that she is always on the move, and has tons of energy to spare) decked the halls of the home and then some.

When my mother and I went out earlier in the week, we told great gram that we'd return today to decorate her room. And then once my sister had informed me that she'd be able to come home for a few days, that was it. Game over. Watch out, Riviera, there's a new Griswold in the building.

Mum informed great gram that we'd be bringing out a small tree, but we needed to know what colour lights would be most desirable. To our joy, great gram decided on multi-coloured. Add that to my sister and I going crazy with a plethora of decorations (with a box of purple ornaments purchased specifically for the occasion), and this is what you get:

When great gram still lived at home, above her computer desk (that's right, the lady in her nineties had a computer, and she knew how to use it) were a couple of pieces of string that she used to pin cards off of. Well, the original string may be back in her old place, but that doesn't mean we couldn't import the same methods elsewhere.

I know, I know, that line still looks pretty bare, but just remember, we're still at the beginning of the month. Great gram still has plenty of time to collect Christmas cards. And for those who are wondering what's up with that quilted Christmas tree that's hanging on the wall, that would be the advent calendar that my mother made for great gram many moons ago. Tragically, great gram hasn't made use of it yet, but give her time. She really does like her chocolate.

The room was so quiet when we first got there. Granted, when Allie and I walked in, great gram was fast asleep in her chair. But, fear not, that didn't last long. Conveniently, great gram has a radio in her room, and better still, there are a couple of radio stations that are playing Christmas music all day, every day until Christmas gets here. Switch that baby on, and bam! Can you say getting into the holiday spirit?

The music was the final touch to really get us into the swing of things. By the time all was said and done, she had a tree, the radio set to the Christmas music station, her shelf unit an array of holiday oddities and knick knacks, and perhaps the return of the Christmas feeling. After all, in a new place, you might not feel the same or as enthused as you once did. Great gram wasn't in the spirit at first, but by the time she was finished supervising our handy work, her feeling returned.

It may not be the old house, but when push comes to shove, this family can deck any hall that my great gram's living in. Can you do the same?

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