Sunday 18 December 2011

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...

...I just thought I'd share some of my favourite holiday fare.

Those of us who celebrate anything always have something that they've received that makes the favourite list. So, I figured I'd share some of my faves. I'm pretty sure my dork status will go through the roof, unless you're a geek yourself. Then I'd probably be deemed awesome.

If you've read the other posts in my, "12 Days of Christmas" series, the first two should jump right out at you. I'd shared a short story I wrote earlier this year titled, "A Wish Come True." If you've read it, then you'd know that the best present ever was my aunt coming home from England to visit me. As well, you'd figure out that I was a very exicted girl to find that Santa had brought me The Adventures of Robin Hood with Erroll Flynn.

I drive a Saturn. I love that car. I bought it off my dad when I was nineteen years old. It's blue, it's a 2002, and it's a standard. When I first purchased it, I really didn't have much by means of entertainment. It came with a radio, and that was it. No tape deck, no c.d player, and certainly no place to plug in my Ipod, so I'd have to hope for the best with the radio. The first Christmas I had my car, my dad decided to get me one extra gift. My mother wasn't in the know about it, so you could imagine her surprise, along with mine, when I removed the wrapping paper, and it was a car stereo. CD player, adapter for my Ipod, and my favourite part, a remote, so Allie could have her musical terrets without getting in the way of my shifter. Now before anyone gets any ideas, yes, I do remove the faceplate, thus making it useless for anyone who might want to swipe it.

However, last year, I hit the jackpot with geeky but awesome Christmas gifts. The first one was compliments of my dad. As I've probably stated in previous posts, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so when I was the recipient of a collectable Yoda bust, you can bet I was excited and happy. But that was just the beginning...

My friend Omar (aka the brother I never had) came over last year for Christmas dinner. My uncle arrived, before Omar did, and he says to me, "I have a gag gift for you, but you have to wait until Omar gets here before you can open it." Once Omar arrived, he and I were each given a long tube to unwrap. Don't we discover that they're lightsabres. They weren't the fancy ones by any means, but they still light up, make noises, and whenever you hit something, the colours change. I don't see how being given lightsabres was a gag, especially since Omar and I were quick to take them outside, and have an epic battle. He was all in black, and was therefore a Sith, I had a long, brown sweater, making me a Jedi, and as there was a bit of snow on the ground, we pretended that we were on the planet Hoth (it's from The Empire Strikes Back). Yes, I won, and yes, I do still bust out my lightsabres on occasion.

And there you have it, a small compilation of my favourite Christmas gifts. What are you faves? Do you still use them? If not, that's a shame. After all. nothing beats a good lightsabre battle.

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