Saturday 17 December 2011

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas...

...I got to spend my night admiring Spencer Smith's Christmas lights.

I suppose I ought to preface this with I've been seeing someone lately. No need to worry. He's a good egg. Last night we got together, and we started off our evening the way we do more often than not: hitting up the local Indigo. We go there so much, I'm pretty sure the staff is tired of us.

When we were done with Indigo, we hit the road. I asked where we were going, but he wouldn't tell me. The only answer he gave me was, "you'll see." I know, I know, it could really be the preface to a bad slasher novel, but clearly it wasn't as I'm still here writing away.

After about fifteen minutes, we arrived in Burlington. I had a slight idea as to where we were going, but I kept quiet. If he wasn't going to tell me where we were going, I sure wasn't going to ask. Besides, I liked the thought of being surprised.

We found a place to park, and hopped out. After a moment, he said to me, "I should've told you to dress warm, but I guess it's too late now." I was okay, though. I had a couple of layers on, and my gloves, so I wasn't too concerned.

We walked for no more than five minutes, and we were there, which was where I'd both thought and hoped we were going. We'd arrived at Spencer Smith Park. I've gone there the last couple of years with my family to gawk at the Christmas light display, but I hadn't made it there yet this year, until last night.

If you've never been to Spencer Smith Park, it's right along the edge of Lake Ontario in Burlington. Off in the distance, but not too far, is the Skyway Bridge. It's really nice on the best of days, so adding a Christmas light display to it makes it that much better.

Who I was with had never seen the lights before, which was why he decided to bring us there. I don't think anything has changed with the display from previous years, but that doesn't make me like it any less. I had a smile on my face.

Just like every other year, done up with lights was a carousel, Nessie, birds strung from the trees, four different coloured aircraft, Santa in a helicopter, and the list goes on. Let your imagination roam, because that's what the people who put the display together have clearly done.

The walk is nice too. The path is well-lit, and is between the water and the display. When you go along a bit further, there's an outdoor rink, and sometimes you can see kids skating around on it. Even though the snow is currently lacking, you always get into the holiday spirit, mainly because it's such a festive atmosphere.

The lights at Spencer Smith was definitely an awesome surprise date. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, and my phone doesn't take great night shots, otherwise, I'd have pics to add. I guess this just means that you need to go down to Burlington, and check out the display for yourself.

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