Friday 9 December 2011

On the Seventh Day of Christmas...

...when I woke up, what did I see? Snow on the ground and in the trees.

I know, I know. So many people don't care much for snow, but I still do. Perhaps it's because I'm young and foolish. Hey! Don't judge me! I enjoy winter activities. Skating, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and even tobogganning. Tragically, though, the snow hasn't managed to stick around. Yes, it makes me a little bit sad.

Also, too, this is a -ber month in Canada (and the last few days, the suffix has been living up to its onomatopeia and name). I don't know about the rest of the world, but yes, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." While some people have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, I have visions of being able to hit up the back forty with my skiis (we have 90 acres, should you have wondered what I meant by, "back forty." Just for possible future references).

Yes, I realize that snow and Christmas go together like peanut butter and jam, but I also understand that a snow-related post can be written any other day during the cold seasons. Well, there's another reason why snow and Christmas mesh so well for me.

Last year, on behalf of my great gram, my mother bought me a pair of showshoes for Christmas. I was only able to use them once last season, maybe twice. If you were given something awesome like that, wouldn't you want to see some snow on the ground too?

Once again, the snow came today, and melted. We're supposed to get some more over the next day or so. I hope it stays. I really want to get back to doing my winter activites.


When I was living in Thunder Bay (in Northwestern Ontario, on the shores of Lake Superior if you're not familiar with the place), I had the opportunity to try the mother of all winter sports: tubing. My friend's birthday was the beginning on January, and we were barely back from our Christmas vacations. He decided that a bunch of us, after going out for dinner, should hit up Loch Lomond. It may be known for its ski hills, but damn, if you ever get the chance to go tubing there, I highly suggest you take it.

I'm really just a kid trapped in a twenty-something's body. Can you blame me for wanting snow? If you get cool winter toys for Christmas, you totally understamd.

Now, I shall go back to dreaming...

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