Tuesday 24 July 2012

I May Not be Jamie Oliver, but Damn It, I Can Pretend!

Last night, for the first time since January, I decided to make gnocchi. This time, I decided that I wanted to attempt a rose sauce instead of straight-up tomato. Reason why I haven't made gnocchi in so long is the boyfriend has taken me to this Italian restaurant called The Express, and their gnocchi filled me with all sorts of happy. I was basically put into a new gnocchi bracket (anyone who's a fan of Corner Gas knows what I mean).

Well, I decided that I was going to try making gnocci again, and see how well I could do compared to The Express. I was definitely getting my Jamie Oliver on as I'd taste this, add a pinch of that, and a splash of something else. It's definitely a learning process. However, I can honestly say that the smell was wonderful, and I think it looked pretty good too.

My gnocchi simmering away
I gave my final product a try, and here's my verdict: I'm no where near as good as The Express, but I think I can hold my own. I was informed that the tiniest bit of sugar would reduce the acidity, so I'll do that next time. I think I'll also add a splash more cream, and if I have to use the pre-roasted, pre-ground garlic again, I'll use half a shake less. But, overall, it was still pretty good. The only thing I got on par with The Express was I managed to cook the gnocchi so it'd melt in my mouth.
The finished product
I may not be Jamie Oliver, but damn it, I can pretend.

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