Saturday 14 July 2012

Review: The Amazing Spiderman

Before I get started, I must first admit that I only saw about 15 minutes or so of the Spiderman with Toby Whatshisface (which I found to be incredibly cliche, and therefore a combination of cheesy and tacky), so this review will likely be biased.

Last night, I went to see The Amazing Spiderman, and yes, it was fantastic. Other than a guy dressed up in a spandex suit shooting webs from his wrists, with a touch of sarcasm, I really wasn't sure what to expect from this movie. I had been told that the particular Spiderman comic that this film was supposed to be based on was his origin story. So that's what I had to go with.

I wasn't disappointed. The action was fantastic, there was plenty of humour, and Stan Lee made his cameo appearance, like he's known to do in all the other films based on his comics. Some of the story was heartbreaking, such as the fate of Perter Parker's parents, and his Uncle Ben. However, all the swinging around that Spidey was doing made me a wee bit envious. It looked like he must have had a ton of fun doing the filming.

There were members of the cast who I hadn't seen before (I couldn't tell you the name of the actor who plays Peter Parker/ Spiderman, or Dr. Connors), but there were also some names I hadn't seen in a while (Sally Fields and Martin Sheen). Also, Dennis Leary did a pretty good job as Captain Stacey, and I could see why people enjoy Emma Stone so much. I liked the mix of the known, and not so well known in the acting business.

I would certainly suggest going to see this movie, especially if you're a fan of action films.

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