Monday 23 July 2012

Review: Heat Rises

Fans of the television show Castle will probably be well aware of this book. For those who aren't familiar with it, Heat Rises is a book that's branched off the show, and is the biggest inside joke ever.

On the television show, Richard Castle writes a series of books based on Detective Kate Beckett. He names his character Nikki Heat, and from there comes the Heat books, Heat Rises included. When you go to pick up this book off the shelf, it's written by Richard Castle (yes, the television character).

Heat Rises is a fun read. It isn't a deep, serious book like what I prefer, but given the joke with it all, it was pleasant. A Catholic Priest is murdered in an exotic, erotic club, and Nikki Heat, along with her newspaper reporter partner Jameson Rook, is on the case. There are dirty cops, those who you think you can trust can't be trusted after all, explosions, and true to show form, someone's always trying to kill Nikki Heat.

Overall, this book was worth reading. It was silly, and I could visualize all of the characters from Castle in this book. That being said, I really look forward to reading something gritty and deep again.

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