Monday 16 July 2012

(Partially) Crossed Off the List: #15

For those of you who've been keeping tabs on my Summer To-Do List, I've already started to make decent headway on #15: See as many summer blockbusters as possible. I think I'm off to a half-decent start.

Back in May, when I wrote the initial summer to-do list, I had The Avengers on it for #15. For me, that was my summer blockbuster start (sorry Hunger Games, but you don't count for this). Since, I've seen Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and The Amazing Spiderman (reviews for both of them can be found on this site). Well, this week, I'll be adding to the list.

Only once have I attended a movie on its opening day, and that was back in 2008 when Inglorious Basterds came out (my cousin and I went to an early evening show). This Thursday night, well, Friday morning if you want to get really technical, I'll be going with a group of people to see the third and final installment of Chris Nolan's Batman saga, The Dark Knight Rises. It'll be the 12:10am show on the Friday, and I'm feeling equal parts foolishness and excitement. Excited, because the first two films, particularly The Dark Knight, were fantastic, but foolish to be going to see a film at such a crazy hour. But, I get the feeling that it'll be worth it.

So, come Friday, you can expect a review for the latest item on my list. Let's see how many more blockbusters I can add to it...

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