Friday 13 July 2012

Who Did the Rain Dance?

For those who don't know, southern Ontario has been terribly dry as of late. I would even dare to utter the word drought. I realize that it's summer, and that people want heat and the sun, and that's great, but I'm still surrounded by farm property, despite my proximity to the Hammer, and the crops out here have been in dire need of rain. I can't remember the last time I saw corn so stressed, and the beans in our fields were looking worse for wear too.

People who aren't accustomed to country life, or who see crops in the fields, probably forget that those crops not only feed us all, but they're someone's livlihood. Some people drive their cars to the office, farmers take their tractors to the barns. It was hard enough that the warm weather came early, and then snapped back to cold, killing large percentages of produce we take for granted, such as cherries, plums, and blueberries. To have a drought add salt to the wound? It's been a rough season.

Rain wasn't even in the forecast today, so I was slightly confused when I thought I heard thunder. I checked the radar, and there was a blip so small that had I blinked, I would have missed it. The rain has been coming down for about a half hour now, and I hope it goes for a bit longer. The grass is greener, the beans are jumping, and we'll finally have some relief from the heat and drought.

For everyone else who's in dire need of rain, I hope you get some soon. Whoever did the rain dance, the farming community thanks you.

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