Monday 10 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Hey all!

To those who celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, Happy Turkey Day! To those who don't, Happy Whatever-Else-You-Might-Decide-To-Celebrate instead!

Our household hosted dinner this year for our family and friends, but yesterday, our host-day of choice, we changed things up a bit. Usually, we'd have turkey for our dinner, but this year, we decided on ham and scalloped potatoes instead. Truth is, my mother had microfracture knee surgery back in the summer, and those itty bitty fractures are still in the process of healing, which limits her to how much weight she's permitted to lift. Seeing how she's been restricted to ten pounds, and we usually have a twenty-five pound bird, for her, doing up a turkey was out of the question. I'd offered to cook up the bird instead, but between my lack of experience (I've only ever cooked a turkey once, and that was about 5 or 6 years ago), and her visions of Mr. Bean with his head stuck up inside the turkey, mum decided that a ham was a less-risky idea. And seeing how I've managed to catch a cold, our dinner guests were probably thankful that I didn't cook the meal either, which brings me to what I'm thankful for this year.

1) To the friends of our who were sick last week, I'm thankful that I only caught a cold from you, and not the full-blown flu!
2) I'm thankful that my mother keeps a hefty supply of tea bags and soup on hand at all times, so this cold really doesn't stand a chance.
3) I'm also thankful that this cold held off on Saturday night because I had a wedding to attend, and if I was feeling the way I am now on Saturday, I would have missed one hell of a party!
4) Though I'm disappointed that we had to cancel Thanksgiving plans with some of our other family (the one with my cousin who has a love of electricty, Star Wars, and happens to have leukemia), I'm thankful that I won't be making him any more sick. And I'm also thankful that the opportunistic virus that decided to have a field day and cause him great pain is coming under control, and that he's starting to feel better himself.
5) I'd best shout out to my awesome peeps, or else they might become terribly upset with me. So thanks for being in my life. You're all fabulous!

A strange list of things to be thankful for perhaps, but right now, those things work for me. And now, I'm going to be thankful that I have a kleenex box within arms reach. Hey, at least I'm still in good spirits, and maintaining my awful sense of humour...

What are you thankful for?


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you held your chin high while the mucus was flowing. Seems like everybody was sick this weekend. On the plus side, at least you'll be less likely to catch the next batch that goes round.

Chantelle (Tilly) Wark said...

I usually get one nasty cold a year, so hopefully, this is it. One bug-battle is more than enough for me!