Wednesday 5 October 2011

A Silly Tilly Tale

I read something earlier today that I found last night whilst I was rummaging through my room in an attempt to find either my old flash drive, or an essay that I wrote a few years ago when I was still living in Thunder Bay. I didn't find the essay, nor did I find my flash, but looking through some boxes that I keep in a cherry wood bench that my grampa made for me many moons ago, I found something that I had almost forgotten about. No, it wasn't the array of old lesson plans that I wrote while I was still a cadet for survival weekends that filled me with all sorts of happy, oh no. I found something that was much sillier, and I couldn't have found it at a more perfect time. I found a book. I can hear the lack of excitement in your voice when I say I found a book. That's not kind. No, this book is special. Why? Because it's Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving Dinner by Lillian Hoban, starring Silly Tilly Mole. As the back of the book says, "it's Thanksgiving, and Silly Tilly Mole is planning to make dinner for all her friends. But where did she put the invitations? What happened to her recipes? And why is her house so full of fog? Thanksgiving is going to be a disaster. If only she could remember everything she forgot!" I'd forgotten all about how much fun this silly book is. If you're able to read it, you just might agree. For those who don't know me, such a childlike book suits me perfectly. For those who do, they'd likely agree. Happy Thanksgiving a little bit early, everyone! Keep your dinners just a little bit silly. ;)

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