Tuesday 25 October 2011

Why So Homophobic?

Yesterday, I was informed that a close friend of the family was being harassed at school because she has a girlfriend. Yes. A girlfriend. She's lesbian, proud of it, and most importantly, happy.

I will never cease to be amazed at how narrow-minded people can be. So a girl prefers to have a relationship with someone of the same gender. What's the big whoop? Is she doing anything illegal or unlawful? No. Is she doing anything immoral? Not in the least! So why are people hell-bent on having problems with members of the LGBT community? I suppose there's always the whole religious aspect as to why it's supposedly "wrong". I'm not about to preach what others should believe, only what I believe myself.

I cannot justify religion. As I'm agnostic, I have no problem stating this fact. My original reasons were because I was baptized under the United Church, while one of my best friends was raised in a Muslim household (that being said, he's athiest, but that's besides the point). Who am I to say that Christian beliefs are better, or more right, than my friend's family's faith? Now, I also have a hard time justifying religion because of this homophobic bullshit, and that's exactly what it is. Religious nuts pray for those who are gay to, "find God," and turn straight. I have only three things to say to this:

1) You can't just swap sexualities. Sexual preferences cannot be sold, or traded, in pawn shops, so you'd better get that idea that you can, "turn straight" out of your head, because it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! And for the record, I'm a heterosexual who's against homophobia, before anyone gets anymore hair-brained, narrow-minded ideas, or perceptions.

2) Doesn't your Almighty Bible, your Almighty God, say to love everyone EQUALLY? Since when does equality come with a catch?

"Oh, sure, I'll love thy brother, but only if he isn't attracted to other brothers, if you know what I mean..."

And what about that whole, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" Does this mean that when you start to harass homosexual people for being happy with who they are, that they get to treat you like trash in return? If you homophobic zealots were harassed, and treated like garbage, by ANYONE, you'd ensure that person's ass was grass, yet you can treat those who are LGBT the same way? Have you heard of irony, because that's exactly what such lunacy is. As well, you're quite oxymoronic, heavy on the "moronic" part.

"I'll do what I want to whom I want, but if anyone tries to return such a favour, they will regret it!"

Yes, because you know THAT makes sense...

3) Being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual are not choices, contrary to popular belief. As well, contrary to the belief of someone I know, childhood trauma is not a homosexual prerequisite. Something did not happen in that person's past to make those who are gay think that they must be such. Now bear in mind that this person thinks his daughter is a lesbian. If he truly believes his own theory, he must have done something pretty shitty to her when she was young. Of course, he also believes that nothing went on in his daughter's youth that could be considered traumatic, and he would never do anything to any of his kids that would leave a negative impact. Am I the only one who sees the flaw in this theory? No? Good to know. As well, did I just hear the sounds of umpteen gasps of shock and denial? Probably, and such wouldn't surprise me in the least.

For those of you who are straight, and in denial, I ask you this:

To the males- Did you choose to be attracted to girls, or did your life just happen that way?

To the ladies- Did you decide to like men, or did it just happen naturally?

For those who say that it was a choice, a decision, to be attracted to the opposite gender, I'm calling your bluff. You know damn well that your life naturally happened that way. Did you ever think that this is the case for everyone? Newsflash: It is. You don't decide who you're attracted to. It's called nature. If it wasn't meant to happen, it never would. What do you think about that? To those who suffer from headupassitis, get over yourselves. You're not being viewed as special, so stop behaving as if you are. Would you like to know how I perceive you? I see you as a narrow-minded, headupass morons. I also believe that a bunch of you are LGBT yourselves, and are in denial about your sexuality, so you choose to treat those who are homosexual as crap to try to get such a thought out of your head. Accept it already. Once you realize your own truths, you will not only feel better about yourself, but you'll likely feel more free. Sure, you might get hit with slander, but stand tall. There are still many people in this world who will stand beside you.

I know I can't change everyone's perspectives, and I know I won't change everyone's views, but at the very least, I can try. So if a member of the LGBT community approaches you, and tells you how they feel, instead of being disgusted, remember, even those of us who are heterosexual have a hard time approaching a person, and doing the same thing. It's even harder for those who are aren't. Instead of being insulted or embarrassed, change your mindset. Clearly, that person saw something special in you. Even if you don't feel anything in return, take the compliment for what it is. Feel good about it instead of filthy. Positive outlooks always fare better than negativity.

Please help put an end to this stupidity called homophobia. Only then will people have better treatment towards others, such as that friend in our family. After all, I would do the same for you.

For more on this subject, refer to my October post, "Purple Rain".


Sir said...

Boy You really got going with this one. I agree everyone is equall . Keep up the good work and have fun on Halloween

Chantelle (Tilly) Wark said...

Thank you. I may not be an activist, but when homophobic nonsense airs, I refuse to keep quiet.